Saturday, May 16, 2020

Push-ups and a beer bubble

At the end of the week there will be lots of sunshine. In the near future, what used to be three days of sunshine at the end of the week, has now turned into one day of sun and two of rain. That's been the forecast for the whole month: one day of sun, two days of rain and then at least three days of sun just around the corner. So after our one glorious day of sunshine we are back to nonstop rain (it was supposed to stop before noon, ha ha).

Much as I hate exercise, I now have an exercise routine. The other day I had to move one corner of my bed and could not do it. Just about zero upper body strength. I knew I wasn't in good shape but that was really bad. The bed had to be moved so I persevered and eventually got that one corner to budge in the right direction but it felt like a Herculean effort. Hence the exercise routine. Gotta get me some upper body strength, and while I am at it I may as well address the total lack of grip strength and the creaky knees.

My goal is to be able to do a push-up, you know, the regular one with hands on and knees off the floor. A couple of days in and I ache all over but I'm going to try to keep it up, I have a goal. Right now I can manage a few fake push-ups with my hands on a high bench, but my wrists are so weak that I can't maintain that position for very long. So the wrist strength has gotta improve too.

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One good thing about having been sick for a month this spring, I lost some weight. Mostly because I was too darn tired to cook, so I was rationing myself to save energy. Most people think I don't need to lose weight, but I have a pair of jeans that I could not wear last summer but I can now. Way back when those jeans were roomy on me, now they fit snugly, but last summer I could not close them over my butt. They're old and out of style but I am happy that they fit. Hopefully I can maintain this weight at least until the summer is too hot for jeans.

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So the rules have changed, now immediate family are allowed to form two-household "bubbles". Not having any family anywhere near, that doesn't apply to me, and even if it did, I'd have slim pickings as to who I could bubble with. But yesterday I got a small taste of what bubbling might look like.

I mowed my lawn in the late afternoon and left the gate open afterward, thinking that I'd have a bite to eat and then go for a walk with Hapi. But Hapi didn't know I was taking a few moments before going for a walk, and the gate was open so she took herself for a walk. I went looking for her, met a young man who said he'd seen her heading eastward, but the next person I met in that direction said he hadn't seen her and he was sure he'd have noticed if she had walked by. I walked a little further in that direction before giving up and heading westward, maybe the first young man was wrong.

I walked toward a couple of her favourite spots, a student garbage bin and a feral cat feeding site. She was in neither location, however I did encounter a group of four people in deck chairs spaced appropriately who knew both Hapi and me. After expressing concern about Hapi's walk-about they invited me to join them for a beer. How could I resist? Hapi was bound to return sooner or later and why should I hunt around fruitlessly for her? I stayed for the beer. I think that was my first social occasion since I don't know when, two months ago?

When I got home Hapi was in the back yard with the gate closed. Someone must have escorted her home. Small town life, I love it.


Rain Trueax said...

Good on Hapi and the beer :) Gotta take pleasure where we find it.

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ElizabethAnn said...

Yes I think we both indulged in forbidden pleasures ;-)

Wisewebwoman said...

Small town life indeed. Hapi is well known. I like how, old as she is, she still manages to escape for a free trot.