Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Hapi trails and treat friends

Today Hapi and I walked on the university woodland trails that are newly reopened. The trails are just narrow paths in most areas, but there are very few people and the ones that I did meet were conscientious about maintaining physical distance. Even if it meant stepping off the path into the bushes, that's what we did, smiles all 'round. It was nice.

There are a couple of brooks running through the woods, and they disappear into and emerge out of culverts in various places. Hapi loves culverts.

I used to like going to the Reservoir for the social aspect of dogwalking, I met other dog owners and had people to chat with while out for a walk. But now my priorities have changed, I am less interested in meeting up with people if it means taking risks I am not comfortable with. So the lonely woodland trails behind the university are much more appealing than they were before the pandemic.

I don't think Hapi cares one way or the other. I think she likes for me to have a social life (she often stops in front of houses where she knows I have friends) but is indifferent to having one of her own, other than what she can sniff out along the way.

I received email from our town clerk today with a form I needed attached. In the email she asked after Hapi, hoping we were both well. I used to stop by the town office so she could give Hapi treats. Hapi has a lot of treat friends on Main Street but we haven't visited any of them since before the pandemic.


Wisewebwoman said...

Glad to see Hapi is her old self enjoying the outdoors and her walkies.

the new reality can be painful at times and lonely. But it will pass.


Rain Trueax said...

I just hope someday socializing can return. It's important to so many people and for mental health

ElizabethAnn said...

Actually I don't think the new normal will pass. I think it's going to be a long rocky ride. The whole point of self isolation and social distancing was/is to prevent hospitals from being overwhelmed. In many places that has been accomplished so it is reasonable to relax the restrictions. But that doesn't mean the pandemic will be less dangerous or behind us, far from it. That I am afraid, is the new normal and it's going to be with us for a good long time.