Friday, November 27, 2020

Duck season

The second Covid wave has finally arrived, the Atlantic Bubble is done. We did well, but not well enough. The HRM is the major hotspot in the Maritimes right now, and apparently Covid was identified in the waste water of my town last week. It didn't show up this week, but still. In the city they've had some popup testing events where anyone can get tested for the virus regardless of whether they have symptoms or not. Depressingly, they are finding asymptomatic positive test results. Contact tracing is becoming more difficult because there are so many cases and by the time Public Health tells their contacts that they need to self-isolate due to exposure, it's already days later.

I don't have much to say other than that. With no family in the vicinity and sons who don't phone (daughters are generally better at that but I don't have any), I am feeling very isolated now. Plus the dog who is deteriorating more rapidly, I wonder if she will still be here at Christmas.

I took the picture above this afternoon. These days Hapi is not interested in a morning walk, so we go in the afternoon. I was trying to get a photo of all the ducks on the pond but they don't show up that well, you can only see a few of them in this pic. While I was taking this photo a couple walking by stopped to look at Hapi. The woman said at first glance she thought Hapi was a Shetland pony.

I've been trying to keep Hapi out of the water but today was very warm and she escaped and got into the pond where I couldn't reach her to pull her back. I think she must be as depressed as I am, I won't allow her in the water or into the basement, her two favourite things these days.


Wisewebwoman said...

Many of us are feeling it Annie, the plague inches closer. I didn't know about it hitting the sewers? WTF?

Poor wee Hapi looks smaller now. That is adding to your anxiety.

I've been feeling terribly lonely. Nearly 9 months of basic isolation now. I've really lost the run of myself. Chronic exhaustion too.


Rain Trueax said...

I am feeling very down and not sure what the reasons are for it. I think it's beyond the virus and about the culture in general. So much violence and mostly senseless. We are (most of us) hoping for better times ahead with a new president-- whether we wanted him or not. Just gotta hope it'll be good for people. It's too easy to feel negative.

Rain Trueax said...

I hope when you lose Hapi, which from what you are saying sounds inevitable, you can find a new dog to love. So many need that

ElizabethAnn said...

Thank you Rain. I hope you are right about better times, not just in the USA but everywhere. Bleak times.

When you think about it WWW, people who have the virus are shedding it in many ways, including in waste water. So they've figured out how to detect it in the water. Apparently they can even pinpoint what part of town the virus is in.