Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Attempts to expand one's horizons

Lovely autumn weather has me attempting short walks. I have been driving to the Reservoir and walking around one pond there, this past weekend I tried walking around two blocks in my neighbourhood. They have been"repairing/constructing" a major road and I have not seen it since the beginning of the summer. My neighbours said it is considerably narrower now, since they put in the dedicated bike trail. I finally went over to see.

I only could see the top half and it is a mess. At this late date I doubt they will finish it before winter, so it is not going to be pretty. And it is indeed much narrower. One of the rental housing areas off that road has numbered parking spaces for tenants only, visitors must park on the street. Only now the street is too narrow to accommodate parked cars. Could get interesting there.

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Also on the weekend, a friend called me to ask if I wanted to go to a concert of the provincial symphony orchestra, in 20 minutes time. If I did she would pick me up and drive me home afterward. One of the benefits of not having anything to do, one can take up such invitations at a moment's notice. It was a lovely concert and I really enjoyed it. At the intermission I got to talk to several people I hadn't seen in many months.

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One of our town councillors resigned in September, would love to know the story behind that, but I can guess. Anyway, now there is a by-election for a replacement councillor only they got no candidates by the deadline so they have extended the deadline. A friend who has been a bit of an activist in my neighbourhood was considering it. She writes a weekly email newsletter for anyone who wants to sign up, most of the neighbourhood and some folks from other areas are on the list. Several councillors were too, only the mayor told them they were not allowed. Don't ask. Anyway, most of them, including the mayor, have access to the newsletter via friends and family. My friend is pretty critical of the town council and has more than once been told off for her comments. A recent blasting from the mayor for being so outspoken really upset her.

When the by-election was announced several of us urged her to run, but that was right after the blasting she got so she was kind of reluctant. She did not want to mount a campaign with signs and all, and she did not want to give up her newsletter which she thought would be required if she was on council. However, the deadline got extended, and several town employees urged her to run, and indirectly she heard that some councillors would welcome her to council. Also most of our neighbourhood would like it very much.

She is still sitting on the fence. I said, why should you have to give up your newsletter? Shouldn't councillors be talking to their constituents? Maybe all the councillors should be required to send out newsletters! This secrecy business makes people not trust democratic institutions. I hope she runs, I am pretty sure she would be acclaimed.

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At the same time as the by-election was announced, it was also announced that positions on various town committees were also taking applications. I looked at the list of committees and thought that maybe I could apply for the Accessibility Committee, since I now have life experience in accessibility barriers. The application document was a bit daunting, wanting to know what work experience or education qualifications I had for this committee. This is all very youthful and ableist, zero consideration for life experience. What, I have to have a degree in Accessibility? Well I applied anyway. I am not expecting a lot of competition, but if there is maybe I'll apply for another committee. Dip my baby toe in the local political arena.

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After my weekend walk around two blocks I thought I'd try walking downtown and back. The bottom half of the road under construction is not finished either but at least it has one layer of asphalt so it looks kind of finished. They might get a second layer before winter, I don't know. However walking down and up that hill was a very bad idea. That was on Monday morning and I am still in recovery from that little jaunt. So I guess I can walk around a block or two but not all the way into town, definitely still have to drive. Only a few months ago this was still doable, now it's not.


Wisewebwoman said...

Local politics. I hear you having hands on experience as mayor of my town back a few years ago. Fraught with contention and power struggles. But an experience I am so glad I had. Accessibility is on my mind a lot too as you and I now have personal experience with the barriers. I am particularly enraged with our largest hospital here, built on one floor stretching for what seems like a 100 miles when walking/lurching - which I still can't manage as I am good on the short haul and not on the long. So I always need the wheelchair. Just one example.
Hospitals should be compact, built on multiple floors with parking underground for those with accessibility issues.
It's good to hear you are walking again, as am I.
so onward for both of us.

ElizabethAnn said...

WWW, I’ve done time on various boards of directors including a strata association of which I was president for a year and I know whereof you speak. I’m hoping a committee is a little less political. I agree with you that hospitals ought to be compact, including for environmental and energy saving benefits.

George Ott said...

Anne, being short sighted (both ways though vision is deteriorating, hmmm so is the other - if I remember correctly) I only occasionally thought of "old people" and their thoughts. Now, I reluctantly admit, I am one of those "old people" and I am starting to remember and review those wisps of wonderings; 'Stuff' they hold on to; health; religion; friends. Reading your Blog and knowing I am a mere eight hundred and twelve days behind you (surprising how difficult that little bit of math was) puts me on guard for what maybe ahead as well as thankful I'm not there yet. Too much to do, don't cha know ;-(
I do envy your time watching the bird feeder, your walk descriptions and books you have, and are, reading (downloaded the second Slough Horses, Dead Lions, but have yet to start it. I want to read it, late night audiobook, before it appears on Apple. Filmed at the same time as the first book, btw)
A comment on your Hospital musings: Our new hospital, 1997, is multi storied with room to grow which it has been doing since day one. It's now a warren and even with the numerous volunteers at each door assisting with descriptions of how to get from here to there, there is always the fear of getting lost. But there are elevators ;-)
Better stop now, starting to ramble, except to say thank you for what you write. It's a privilege to read this blog and Wisewebwoman's comments.