Thursday, April 1, 2021

Keep on checkin' in

Hapi on a good day, emerging from the canal
Hapi has good days and bad. I think her good days coincide with cold clear weather, her not-so-good days with warm or wet days. Today is a warm wet day and I felt like maybe I should move up the euthanasia date, I don't know if she is suffering but sometimes it appears that way. She had a long nap and then went outside to 'patrol the perimeter', the important stuff.

I bought some bones for her but she is not interested in chewing them, just burying and reburying them. The back yard is full of muddy holes—all the former burial spots—who knows where the bones are now. Then she comes indoors with mud piled on her nose, which she uses to shove the dirt back in the burial hole. I now keep a paper towel at the door to clean off her nose before I allow her indoors.

I joined a Covid-long-hauler group on Facebook. I don't know for sure if that is what I have (or hopefully, had), but I wanted to ask the question: can you get Covid, get better, and then get 'long haul' symptoms several months later? Well, I asked my question and turns out quite a few long-haulers say that is what happened to them, and the long haul was worse than the original bout. So maybe that's what I have/had. Somebody posted that the good news is, when you finally get your first vaccination, it will be like a booster shot, you'll be good to go. Mind you the vaccine reaction symptoms will be worse. But that is temporary.

These days, I get more and better information from others in the same boat than from the so-called experts. Everybody chips in their little bit of info and you begin to get a bigger picture. Doctors only see what other doctors see, they don't really pay attention to anyone else because, after all, they are not medically trained experts. So round and round they go, where they stop nobody knows.

So today it was announced that my age group could get the first vaccination. But, the only two local places where you can get vaccinated are not taking appointments, haven't been for almost a week now. I'm allowed to get vaccinated, I just can't book a vaccination. On the other hand, if I lived in the city, easy-peasy. They have so many open appointment times that they are begging people to book them. I tried phoning the vaccination number, had to wait almost an hour on hold, but when I finally got a live person she acknowledged that they had been getting a lot of calls from my health region asking 'what gives?' and they don't know. And apparently, she said, all the higher-ups who might know, are 'in a meeting'...

Just keep checking she said.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Postscript, April 2nd: I took a neighbour's advice and logged in really early this morning, around 6.15am, and managed to snag a vaccination appointment for two weeks from now. I went back two hours later and there were no appointments left available. This is the only time there have been any appointments available in almost a week and they were gone by 8.15am.


Wisewebwoman said...

Glad you got your appointment. Here they booked me for 2 which really gave me misgivings about their data base.

Daughter found out she was at risk after her AZ shot but only on public media. You'd think they could have emailed the very few women at risk in this province directly (from their data base again) before hearing it on the news and getting such a shock. She was completely stressed and had to take time off work.

Good luck with yours.


ElizabethAnn said...

Ah WWW, when it comes to the technology of communication, our healthcare system is sadly lacking. It always dumbfounds me how backward we are in that regard. The tools are there, our professional class just seems inexcusably stupid about it. I am sorry for the stress your daughter must feel and hope that it all comes to nought.

Rain Trueax said...

We got ours by calling really early and at an unexpected time. I pays to try that.

ElizabethAnn said...

Yes, that is what I ended up doing. A friend got hers by going online late at night (she’s a night owl) and I got mine by going on early in the morning.