Wednesday, September 16, 2020


It arrived yesterday. Faint high level haze during the day, ominous red-brown "fog" in the west in the evening. The sun set behind the smoke a half hour before its time. Today was supposed to be a sunny day but I don't think it's going to be. Maybe hazy.


Wisewebwoman said...

We haven't seen it yet. It makes me realize how small our planet is.


George Ott said...

Greetings :-)
Looks like it's going to rain here in Gravenhurst but Env.Can. shows nothing on Radar

ElizabethAnn said...

It's the same here, ominous clouds but nothing on the radar. Env.Can. has a smoke map, check it out. I think it is buried under "Analyses and Modelling".

George Ott said...

Thanks, found it, or at least an interesting map predicting smoke conditions ;-)

48h Hourly Maps at Ground Level - 00 UTC :

ElizabethAnn said...

There's another one too showing smoke at higher atmospheric levels. They have these really esoteric titles for the maps so it's hard to understand what you're looking at, but we have primarily the smoke at higher levels.