Saturday, June 20, 2020

Oh well

For some reason I can't get it out of my head that today is Friday. I know it's not, but it sure feels like it is.

We are having a heat wave now. I look at the weather forecast and think, only a couple more days. And then the next day it is still 'only a couple more days'. Who knows when it really will end. The weather network is forecasting a hot dry summer. They are often wrong, maybe they'll be wrong about this too, but I doubt it.

I take Hapi to the Reservoir and she heads straight into the pond. She only walks around the pond because I do, if she had her druthers she'd stay in the pond till she couldn't stand up any more and then she'd go home to sleep. But they say 'keep 'em moving' so I do. Yesterday a bunch of young dogs came to play in the pond, Hapi enjoys that. I think she'd like to join the fun but also she just wants to stand there in the cool water. She has taken up her title of Pond Lion once again.

I've been using CBD for aches and pains and it seems to work, but at the cost of constant tiredness. A friend tells me I am taking too much, I should cut back the dose. Also, he thinks Hapi should be getting some too. So maybe I'll give her half of mine. It's too bad that doctors and veterinarians don't dispense that kind of knowledge or even seem to have it, one has to ask around of one's friends.

I was given a couple of plants so I am going to try my hand at growing it. A brief search of the internet tells me that it is oh so complicated, but I suspect that is because the people handing out growing advice are aiming for maximum strength, which I am not. Since the plants were a gift, I can be experimental about it. If they keel over and die, oh well, hopefully a lesson learned.

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